Revamp Your Wardrobe with Formal Wear for 2013

[caption id="attachment_1467" align="alignleft" width="212" caption="It's time to throw out those worn out t-shirts and faded ripped jeans. Dress the part. Revive your image with men's formal wear."][/caption] With the new year upon us, the idea of a fresh start is on everyone’s mind. Part of the excitement is the possibility of change and welcoming new opportunities that come our way. With that said, why not take the time to revamp your wardrobe and give yourself a new look? I know that keeping new year's resolutions isn't easy. You make so many plans of things you will do differently. Then you find yourself still in the same place when the next new year's eve rolls around. Occasionally, it is easier to stick with what you are familiar with - that old worn out t-shirt is comfortable; so what if there is a little rip in your jeans? However, this is not the mindset you should stick with. Check out some of these tips to get yourself started with a classier look. The first step is figuring out exactly what you are looking to do. How much do you want to spend on your new look? What changes do you think you need? Maybe you are hoping for a more mature look this year - possibly planning on looking for a better job or getting yourself noticed at your current one. If this is the case, adding some pieces of men's formal wear to your closet is a good bet. Having a ready supply of button up shirts on hand is an easy way to achieve a professional look. For example, a clean pressed laydown collar tuxedo shirt paired with a silk necktie is likely to get you noticed. Have a lot of special events planned for the new year? Consider purchasing a bow tie to stand out from the crowd. For less formal occasions, you can’t go wrong with a nice polo shirt.

A good color scheme is another thing to consider when revamping your wardrobe. When looking at most men’s apparel, you may find that there is an abundance of grays, whites, and blues. This is especially a fashion trend in men's formal wear because these colors tend to be the easiest to match. However, having more neutral tones in your wardrobe allows for more variations than you may initially think. With these shades, adding a splash of color is less likely to clash. Having options is key when it comes to your wardrobe. While owning one or two nice ties may seem alright to you, people are bound to notice the repeat. You can easily achieve a sharp look with the right accessories and a little extra color. In the winter months consider adding a formal scarf. Not only will you be warm, but you will also look great.

This last tip is one that you should really take to heart, you should never be embarrassed or worried about asking for opinions. If you aren’t sure exactly what you are looking for or if the style really works, a second opinion is invaluable. There is a reason that girls always shop together. Consider asking a friend for their two cents. Bringing along a friend you trust can be extremely helpful when shopping. There are plenty of stores that pay people to put together flattering looks. It is their job to sell you something and they know when you are in the market to buy. Bringing a friend along can stop you from getting caught up in the rush of spending.

Lastly, don’t force yourself to buy or wear something that you aren’t really feeling. It is a waste of time and money. Even if everyone else says it looks great, you are the one wearing it so you should feel comfortable.

When you have accumulated a certain look for so many years, starting fresh can seem intimidating. You may have some go to colors already. If that is the case why not look for different styles? Adding some variety, or even novelty wear, to your wardrobe doesn’t mean you have to ditch everything you’re comfortable with. A new wardrobe can not only make you look good, but can also make you feel good. There is no time like the present, take the plunge and you may surprise even yourself.

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