While we readily admit that there are some occasions where a man should feel justified in making the decision to rent over that to purchase — buying an entertainment venue just seems excessive — we are also loathe to think that there are some finely dressed gentlemen out there who are ... give us a moment ... donning rented tuxedos.
Oh, don't look at us like it's not so bad. We humbly disagree and firmly believe that all tuxedos should be purchased, and we do this with a variety of reasons at hand, none of which have anything to do with the fact that we only sell
tuxedos, thank you very much.
Look, we'll even outline our reasoning here.
1. Cost
Typically speaking, a rented tuxedo will cost a man anywhere from $50-$200, usually depending on the quality of the suit. While it might sound like an amazing deal, and though it may beg the question of why you'd ever consider alternatives, we offer a different perspective: do you really want to spend that much money on something you will not own? Tuxedos can last a man for five, ten years. They can be lent out, passed down, stored by the nostalgic. Moreover, while your first tux rental experience would likely cost you less money than your first tux purchasing experience, those savings only last for so long. Are you sure you'll only need a tuxedo once? Once you've got a few rentals in — BAM! You're well on the path to paying more overall.
2. Risk vs. Reward
Sometimes, bad things happen to good pieces of clothing. They tear. They stain. In some cases, they even catch fire — we hear that cake-lighting can be very dangerous. When these things happen, tux-renters face one of two possibilities: the damage is covered by tuxedo rental insurance, or the damage is not covered and the renter has to pay the full retail cost of replacing the tux. Ouch.
3. Quality
There's nothing like a
fine tuxedo for making a strong impression on any crowd, but chances are good that you're not going to find a fine tuxedo for rent. Furthermore, these rental tuxedos have been worn out and worn down, perhaps not extremely, but often noticeably.
4. The "You Don't Know Where it's Been" Factor
Or perhaps more accurately, you can form a pretty danged good idea of where a rented tuxedo has been — it's been to prom, it's been worn by grooms on their wedding nights, it's been ... well, wherever you would wear your tux and beyond, to places outside your imagination.
5. Fit
Wise men know that they will rarely find a suit that fits them perfectly and that part of the tuxedo-purchasing process inevitably includes getting that tuxedo altered. Rental tuxes will never afford you such a luxury, and it's only through a fortuitous spree of luck that you'll find a suit that fits the way you'd like. Believe us; we've had enough of our own suits altered to know just how hard it is to find a suit worn well right off the rack.
There you have it — five brilliant reasons why tuxedo rental is something of a no-no, and not one of them mentions our own exceptional tuxedos and excellent prices (
buy yours today!).